- The Moment That I Spend Time With Them -
Being away from home, the only people that you can relied on is your friends. Choosing the right friends or bad friends will lead you to a different path and giving you the different solution when you have problem. There are lots of different poeple I meet - friends that who backstep their own friends, friends who treat you as a rubbish, friends that used you then dump you after using you or friends that really treat you as a friends. Actually I have a question.... Is there such thing call true friends? Are true friends really exists?
This is the 'sweet and bitter' that I have been through with my friends for the last 10 months:

- My So Called Twin n Me At The Cafe -
The sweet moment - The first few months, they show me around makes me feel like home. Then more and more happy things happen - clubbing, exploration, crazy time... hell lot of fun! Skipping classes till our exam comes and end, we all share our hard and fun time together.
- Taking a Walk On A Sunny Day -
The day we always spend time together in the park after a heavy day of lectures, tutorials and assignment. When help are needed during assignment period, we all shared together, having OT together and helping out each other to complete the assignment.
- Having OT To Complete The Assignment -
After all the hardworking.... is time for a break to relax our exhausted mind and soul. Drinking and clubbing is how we celebrate our completion and success. Party like crazy....

- On The Way To The Club -
When Falls come, we all enjoy the scenery outside - the golden yellow leaves that fall from the tree, making the moment much more memorable.... taking pictures and playing in the park making us feel like we are back to our childhood....
- It Falls Time -
Exam period is near, during study week, we all share our knowledge and help each other revice... Combined the pass year paper and tips from the lecturers and library, We all stay the night to burn the midnight oil to prepared for out midterm exam...
When the exam ends..... We all celebrate our completion with wine and champaigne and the party time has come... Drunkers all around the room and laugher that brighten up the whole corridor.
- After Exam Celebration -
Who knows? Happy moment has turn into a nightmare.... Those I so called friends backstep me and my 'Twinny'. We help them when they have problems, we spare some money when they dont have and share our food when they can afford to get some.... But, they used us and dump us after we had been through all this hard time together.....
Everything has changed, nightmare has started, fight and arguement; troublemaker; separation.... all has changed a girl's beautiful dream into a scary nightmare! How could this happen? Well.... I guess this is life.
Everyday trouble head to us, no peaceful moment that I can live with, all just a pile of trouble and problems..... At this moment what I can think of is my family - I just wanted to go home.... HOME.... As time passed by, what I wish for is just a little hope that things will turn better and the time passed faster!
My dream come true.... My exam has finished early and the moment that I'm waiting for has come, I'm going home to see my love ones and my beloved family..... This is the moment that I feel saved and happy agian - the nightmare has gone and now the depressed and sad girl's has back to her happy and peaceful life together with her family and her love ones.....
Hey my dear Shi Min...
This is a very sentimental entry u have and finally u back for blog.
I totally undestand living and study in overseas and it is ain't easy. People might think that we're having great holiday and great time...well..it is true but we're having a difficult time as well, missing our love ones every single day and wonder are they doing fine.
If you wanna find someone to talk about, I'm always there to listen and share. Cheers...
Ting Ting
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